Steer Davies Gleave supporting development of Wood Wharf, Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf Group has been given the green light to develop the Wood Wharf site to the east of the Canary Wharf estate for a mix of uses, including over 3,000 new homes, retail and community facilities together with offices that will create up to 17,000 jobs.

On 21st July 2014 Tower Hamlets Council resolved to grant approval for the proposals subject to a legal agreement. Steer Davies Gleave has provided transport advice to the client and worked closely with the masterplan architect, Allies and Morrison, to develop a scheme that will integrate proposed buildings into a new road system and public realm, including parks and footpaths.


A 10-year construction programme is expected to commence in early 2015 subject to final approvals that will transform a semi-derelict area into a new urban quarter linking Canary Wharf with the Isle of Dogs areas to the east. A £10 million package of transport measures will include new bus services through the site and improved pedestrian/cycle links with surrounding areas.


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