Fernando Manrique joins Steer

Fernando ManriqueWe are excited to announce that Fernando Manrique has joined Steer’s Infrastructure Finance team as a Principal Consultant, specialising in development and sustainable finance.

Fernando brings more than 11 years of experience in the banking industry, having worked for private and state-owned financial institutions. He holds an MSc in Emerging Economies and International Development from King’s College London and an MSc in Finance.

Throughout his career, Fernando has demonstrated expertise in a wide range of areas, including SME financing, corporate finance, project finance, public-private partnerships, and sustainable finance. He has led the financial support for investors, financial institutions, and liaised with multilateral development banks and cooperation agencies.

As a development banker at the Peru National Development Finance Corporation, Fernando has fostered multiple cooperation agreements with local stakeholders, including private investors, financial institutions, ministers, subnational governments, and international actors such as multilateral banks, donors, cooperation agencies, and commercial and investment banks. He has also structured multisectoral financial facilities, including energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.

Fernando's extensive experience in financing programs has included resilient infrastructure, energy savings insurance, and electric mobility, and he has also worked on an accreditation process to the Green Climate Fund. He has actively participated in discussion panels, conferences, and initiatives promoting climate financing, electromobility, renewable energy, and the development of the green bond market.

We are thrilled to have Fernando on board and look forward to the valuable contributions he will make to our Infrastructure Finance practice. Welcome to the team, Fernando!

Fernando quote about joining SteerAndrew McClune quote

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