Ying Bao

Associate Director
Ying Bao

Ying has over 15 years of consulting experience in both the private and public sectors, specializing in traffic and revenue forecasting, travel demand modeling, transit planning, and transportation software development. As a senior transportation modeler and project manager, Ying has led and managed many sizable projects including toll road forecasting, traffic impact study, transit ridership forecasting, and long-range transportation plans.

  • Toll road forecasting: Ying has managed and participated in several toll road forecasting studies in the US. She has extensive experience in traffic and revenue forecasting for toll road facilities including fully-tolled roads, bridges and managed lanes such as HOT lanes and reversible express lanes.
  • Travel demand forecasting: Ying has extensive experience in travel demand forecasting. She has managed and contributed to both travel demand model development and traffic studies on implementing travel demand models for large MPOs and state governments, and on forecasting transit ridership using traditional travel demand model packages.
  • Traffic impact study and environmental impact analysis: Ying has led many traffic impact studies and environmental impact analyses in her previous experience. She has extensive experience in air quality analysis, environmental justice analysis and health impact assessment.

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