Matthew Clark

Matt Clark

Matthew é um especialista reconhecido internacionalmente nos benefícios e impactos da nova mobilidade. Sua experiência ajuda os setores público e privado a compreender e capturar os benefícios e impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais potenciais de novos modelos de negócios.

Na Steer, Matthew lidera nossa nova equipe de mobilidade, ajudando os clientes a entender e quantificar como a nova mobilidade pode se integrar aos modos de transporte tradicionais. Suas áreas de trabalho incluem veículos e infraestrutura com emissão zero, mobilidade compartilhada e serviços emergentes, incluindo Mobilidade como Serviço, Centros de Mobilidade e serviços de veículos autônomos.

A experiência de Matthew inclui assistência a clientes em toda a Europa, América do Norte e América Latina, serviços de planejamento, incluindo micromobilidade compartilhada (bicicletas, e-bikes e e-scooters), compartilhamento de carros, táxis sob demanda, transporte responsivo à demanda e veículos autônomos.

Articles and insights by this expert

28 Sep 2021

Steer launches new ‘data storytelling web app’ to explore the impacts of the pandemic on the US micromobility market

As the COVID-19 pandemic adds increasing pressure and severe disruptions to the fast-changing and growing micromobility industry, how can we better monitor the developments? Steer developed the app to explore the impacts of the pandemic on micromobility over time and to use the findings to help guide policy and decision-making for our clients, whether they are in the public or private sector.

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17 Sep 2020

Steer study examines the importance of economic & social impacts of autonomous delivery services in the US

Steer brings to light some valuable insights on the potential economic impacts and wider benefits of introducing delivery AV services in the US, through its independent study commissioned by the California-based robotics Nuro company.

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23 Jun 2020

Steer visualises London Cycle Hire trips during lockdown

As UK cities plan to exploit the Department for Transport pilot for shared eScooters as one way to help relieve crowding on public transport, Steer took the opportunity to analyse how Transport for London’s Cycle Hire scheme, celebrating 10 years in operation this summer, performed through the peak of the crisis for both leisure and essential travel.

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