Maria Alejandra Guzman


Maria Alejandra has more than eight years of experience in consulting during which she has worked in transportation planning, public policy formulation and implementation, zero and low emission mobility and e-bus transactions.

She has experience and knowledge in the formulation of mobility policies, the inclusion of new vehicle technologies in cities, the associated regulations and standards, the economic incentives for the mass application of these technologies and the benefits related to the improvement of air quality. Her work has focused on understanding urban dynamics, understanding the relationship between people's needs and the functionality of transportation systems.

At Steer Maria Alejandra is involved in the development and leadership of projects related to electric mobility, disruptive technologies in transportation and technical advice on zero and low emission vehicle transactions. In her most recent work she has focused on advising lenders in identifying the technical risks associated with the procurement, manufacturing and operation of electric bus fleets, as well as the risks associated with the deployment and operation and maintenance of the charging infrastructure.

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