Neil Chadwick


Com 30 anos de experiência em consultoria, Neil é um especialista em estratégia de transporte e política pública. Ele dirige e gerencia estudos de estratégias políticas para clientes do setor público e privado.

Neil lidera o desenvolvimento de estratégia, estudos de caso de negócios e financiamento. Ele trabalha freqüentemente com clientes de multi-organizações desenvolvendo planos de políticas e programas, assim como com clientes encaminhando casos de negócios e aplicações de poderes. Ele tem experiência informando e envolvendo Ministros, MPs, conselheiros locais e grupos de negócios, assim como o público. Neil trabalhou extensivamente pelo Reino Unido, Oriente Médio, Austrália e República da Irlanda.

Neil dirige nossa equipe estratégica e econômica por todo o Reino Unido. Ele também é um dos nossos diretores com base em nosso escritório de Leeds, com uma responsabilidade ampla para nosso trabalho e clientes no Norte da Inglaterra.

Articles and insights by this expert

26 Nov 2020

Better thinking for levelling up

A new version of the Green Book has been published. It is the Green Book that sets the framework for how the UK Government appraises its spending decisions and also how it subsequently evaluates these.

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04 Nov 2020

Bus and rail after Covid-19: November update

Yesterday we set out three factors that we think will determine the future rate and scale of public transport use. The new lockdown in England will lead to an immediate drop in the use of public transport. But over time restrictions will be relaxed. How may the first of our three factors affect the future demand for travel by bus and rail?

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03 Nov 2020

Public transport after the Covid-19 shock: November update

In July we asked the question: what will transport look like after the Covid-19 shock. Our view then and now is that the form and timing of any medical resolution of the Covid crisis is the first order uncertainty. We said this would drive the direction of behavioural and policy responses and what this means to the economy, people’s activity and transport demand.

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05 Oct 2020

Steer report highlights the need for continued COVID-19 financial support for public transport

Steer has produced a new report for the Urban Transport Group, the UK’s network of city region transport authorities, highlighting the risk to local public transport services should the UK government cease COVID-19 financial support.

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02 Jul 2020

What will bus services look like after the COVID-19 shock?

One week after lockdown was announced, bus use outside London was just 11% of its pre-lockdown norm. As lockdown is relaxed, social distancing means the capacity of buses has been reduced by 75%. By 22 June, bus use outside London was up to 23% of its pre-COVID norm. At the moment, the ongoing operation of the network is dependent on public funding. So, what happens next?

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